Equilibri sabadell

Inspiring! … pillar of 7 to sabadell

If you live or work in this area (zip code 08201) and you want a registered physiotherapist near you, you should rate the perfect location of this physiotherapy clinic very positively.

If you have already been a patient of Equilibri – Sabadell in Sabadell and you are satisfied with their services, you can leave a review by registering on mejoresclincas.com and help others find a physiotherapist in Sabadell or in the province of Barcelona physiotherapy clinic that can best suit your needs.

You know that not all physiotherapists cost the same. But, although the price of a physiotherapy treatment may seem an important factor in deciding on a clinic, think that, when we talk about health, the economic cost has only a relative value.

It intervenes, through the use of scientifically proven techniques, when the human being has lost or is at risk of losing, or altering temporarily or permanently, the proper movement, and thus the physical functions.

Dog technique

Among our services we highlight several specialties such as vestibular physiotherapy (treatment of vertigo, dizziness and instability), osteopathy, sports physiotherapy, physiotherapy-osteopathy for the baby and for women (pregnancy, postpartum, pelvic floor dysfunction) among others.

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Osteopathic manual medicine is based on the fact that in our own body are the mechanisms of self-regulation and self-healing. Many times this capacity of the body is affected by the existence of injuries or blockages of the musculoskeletal apparatus, fascial, visceral or cranio-sacral system. The function of the osteopath is to look for and find this lesion, since many times the symptom appears far from where the real problem is, and to release it by means of manual techniques.

In other words, when a patient with back pain is diagnosed with low back pain, dorsalgia or cervicalgia, we will make an exhaustive evaluation to try to determine the true origin of the injury, whether it is muscular due to weakness or excess tension, joint blockage or instability, postural or anomalous postural attitudes, sometimes visceral, etc. With the intention of getting as close as possible to the treatment required by the patient and in a few sessions help him/her to improve.

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Osteopathy-physiotherapy equilibri sabadell

Luis has a team of professionals, always health and university trained. They are specialized in different disciplines of physiotherapy, but especially in Osteopathy and Vestibular Reeducation (treatment of vertigo and dizziness).

For us it is very important that the patient is involved in their treatment and that they collaborate with the recommended exercise guidelines, in addition to being aware of how important it is to have good healthy lifestyle habits.

Above all, in order to correctly approach and make a good diagnosis and treatment of a patient with vertigo and dizziness, we need a series of special “devices”: different software, swivel chair, virtual reality, videonystagmoscope, etc.

At Equilibri Sabadell, the clinic founded by Luis del Pino, a group of expert health professionals with university training and other additional training of proven quality, apply the most effective physiotherapy and osteopathy treatments. Through these, they treat numerous ailments of their patients and contribute to re-educate them to eliminate from their lives habits (many of them postural or harmful movements) that promote the onset of pain, pathologies or injuries.

Exercises of strength / balance / coordination @ sabadell bq ’12

This afternoon four sessions of professional debate are proposed on the Estruch’s own project in relation to its present and future, taking into account the new stage that is opening with the selection of Sabadell as Capital of Culture and the Biennial of Contemporary Art.

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The actress Montserrat Martínez and the actor Enric López present one of the best and most recognized theatrical piece of A.R.Gurney: “Cartes d’Amor”. Through letters we live with the emotion of the words the lives of Melissa and Andrew. Tiquet consumed 10€ Reservations by whatsapp to 609 79 01 76