Yoga en pamplona

Sesión de yoga en directo (16) desde yoga goa pamplona.

Más de dos décadas de práctica me han traído hasta aquí, la más reciente como profesor tras formarme durante 5 años en la Escuela Nacional, Sadhana. El yoga es una de mis mayores pasiones, desde mis 20 años he tenido la suerte de experimentar sus beneficios en mi propia práctica y como profesora de yoga.

He impartido clases regulares semanales a un amplio abanico de personas diferentes (discapacitados intelectuales, ancianos, grupos de edades mixtas) así como he dirigido retiros de fin de semana a grupos grandes (de 30 a 40 personas).

Además, me he formado a lo largo de dos años en un Método de Realización Postural muy eficaz (Método Rípodas) y llevo 7 años realizando sesiones individuales y clases en grupo. Este tiempo de experiencia me permite leer eficazmente los desequilibrios del cuerpo y proponer prácticas que puedan corregir estos desequilibrios. Permitiendo así un mejor funcionamiento del cuerpo.

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Nuestra propuesta es una adaptación a las necesidades modernas de las técnicas de Yoga Milenario que nacieron en la India. Me apasiona la fusión entre los conocimientos de las antiguas tradiciones con nuestra ciencia moderna.

Yoga session (10) live from yoga goa pamplona

DIRECTOR: SEBASTIÁN ARBONDOINFO AND YOGA BOOKING ON LINEPractice Yoga from anywhere. Complete sessions of Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation and Relaxation. Access whenever you want from our platform or check the schedules of live online classes through zoom. Subscribe and activate your unlimited online fee from 25€ per month.SUBSCRIBE / START SESSIONWORKSHOPS AND COURSES

Iltzarbe, Ollo Valley (Navarra)We have created this Yoga meeting, for a full day, in the Ollo Valley. We are moved by the ideal of linking Yoga and Nature; a day to enjoy, share and experience different energetic practices of Yoga, where it takes its greatest meaning and potential: in nature.

Actually not too much time has passed since life put us on the same path. Back then the roles seemed distant but the seed of Yoga germinates very quickly in a fertilized heart.

Yoga session live(11) from yoga goa pamplona.

02Organize your private yoga classes in PamplonaTalk to your yoga teacher to indicate your needs and your availability. Schedule your yoga classes and pay for them securely from your email. Practicing yoga in Pamplona has never been so easy.

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03Live new experiences and open your chakrasThe incredible “Student Pass” gives you unlimited access to all teachers, coaches and Yoga courses in Pamplona, in other cities or remotely for 1 month. A whole month to discover new passions with fabulous people.

Elena. yoga teacher in pamplona shares with us

We do all this through intensive classes and workshops that we teach weekly in Pamplona. We also offer Trainings and Retreats, perfect for those who are looking to expand their knowledge and skills.

The cost of the classes is 50 euros per month. This plan will allow you to attend two classes each week. On the other hand we have a flat rate of 80 euros per month. With this plan you will be able to attend as many classes as you wish during the week.

Mondaypick one! select a time from 16:30 to 17:30 – Yoga teens 18:00 to 19:30 – Yin Yogade 18:00 to 20:00 – Akroyogade 18:00 to 19:30 – Vinyasa Yogade 20:00 to 21:30 – Feet-up Yogade 20:00 to 21:30 – Vinyasa Yoga

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It tries to unite the five paths of Yoga (Hatha, Raja, Jana, Bhakti and Karma Yoga), inviting the practice of all of them. It promotes balance between body, emotions and mind through the practice of Asana – Pranayama – Meditation.

Our interpretation has created a practice suitable for people who are new to Yoga, as it establishes an accessible and respectful Yoga with the physical, vital and mental state of each person, enabling the coexistence in the same class of students with different levels of practice.