Jose luis cabezas yoga

direct/live godfrey devereux & josé luis cabezas

Program for the Summer Retreat August 2016 August 27, Saturday 16.00 Arrival at the farmhouse 18.00 to 20.00 Yoga basics: This class is dedicated to review the basics of the most used postures.

YOGA TEACHERS Teachers: Professor Veronica Belloli: History and philosophy of yoga Theory and practice of yoga Anatomy Dr. Sandra Mansur: Physiology Professor Rosana Pedrazzini: Philosophy I and II

YOGA INSTRUCTOR COURSE Yoga does not take us away from reality or the responsibilities of daily life, but puts our feet firmly and resolutely on the practical ground of experience.

BASIC LEVEL OF HANDS Module I: Hands for all. Techniques to restore, preserve and promote health. Module II: Healing. The art of healing with the hands. Module III: Etheric manual therapy. Regulation

PROGRAM OF THE COURSE “Training for the Development of Contents in Sport, Visual and Musical Arts” Degree in Pedagogy Department of Physical Education and Sport Faculty of Education Science

interview josé luis cabezas – part 3 of 3

The experience of liberation is the basic state of being human. You go so deep that you have nothing to worry about, what happens to you is perfectly valid, intelligent and out of your control.

Expert in helping and training people to access consciousness directly through the body, he teaches Dynamic Yoga training courses mainly in Europe, North and South America. Originator of Dynamic Yoga Festival and Consciousness Forum. Founder Editorial Satcit (

I don’t want to be too critical or too radical… But, no, it is not necessary. It is true that yoga is emerging based on the experiences of some human beings, but they were not necessarily those who transmitted those experiences in the form of ideas, dogmas or guidelines. Rather, it seems that it was others who, in the distance, without having directly lived those experiences, narrated them from a dualistic perspective and trying to reach them as a goal. However, enlightenment, like love, cannot be attained voluntarily; you become enlightened and fall in love when it happens to you, but it is not possible to control or subdue it. What is genuinely essential in life is not under our control.

interview with jose luis cabezas

Course planningI have been teaching since 2013 to more than 50 students. The results are the improvement of posture, more physical awareness and therefore learn to release tensions by themselves using the technique learned. On a mental level it increases the acceptance of their body and life in general by releasing stress, something that affects the quality of social relationships and health. In some cases during the class some have experienced emotional unblocking.

Dynamic Yoga works from mindfulness in what is done in each moment, feeling directly what the body reveals in each moment, so by allowing the mind that space to feel it becomes a practice that, in addition to improving your physical conditions, in something deeply therapeutic, the more dedication and interest of the student, the more nourishing and effective the practice is.

interview with josé luís cabezas at the spring yoga festival

The name of this psychophysical gymnastics practice of Mia Yoga is taken from the Esperanto language. Mia means My, and Mia yoga is the term used by Miguel García to define the type of yoga that he proposes for all types of athletes (runners, cyclists, swimmers, karate, etc…) and that is also useful for non-athletes.

In Mia yoga everyone connects with a different thing, serenity, security and coordination are transmitted in the classes and help any athlete in their training. It is not a trainer guiding an athlete, in Mia yoga the qualities of the athlete are revealed. It unveils the truths of each of us, whether we are athletes or not. It reveals who we really are and how we are. It unveils the truth that lies within us and our potentialities.
